Create a Cohesive Space To Cook & Dine — Eating & lounging outdoors in Minnesota is a prime seasonal activity. Make sure you have a space dedicated to enjoying this pastime. If you don’t have a deck or patio, there’s still time to put one in. But no matter your yard space, size, or amenities, take the time to arrange an eating area within vicinity of the grill, decorate with some potted plants, add a lantern or two, and create your own ambient dining area. Investing in a rolling cart or tall layered table might be just the accent you need to keep dishes and drinks handy while you enjoy your outdoor feast.
Define Space for your Pet — If you have a four-legged friend, it probably gets as much use out of the yard (if not more) than you do. Adding some simple touches to give your pet its own space while keeping your yard under control at the same time might be just what you need. Consider adding attractive fencing to a portion of your yard just for the dog or putting in a well-landscaped patio play area. Check out these innovative ideas for pet space from Houzz.
Give Your Garden a Makeover — Whether you let your perennials grow free, have a well-kept vegetable garden, or just a small plot with a couple of tomato plants, your garden can give your yard personality. If it’s not well-defined, use natural stone or charming fencing to edge your garden, or outline it with wood or pavers. Put in a trellis to break up a long garden and add height. Add a small fountain and some stepping-stones to break up a larger garden space.
Include a Firepit — Sitting around the fire doesn’t have to be limited to experiences at camp or evenings at the lake. Enjoy the aroma of a summer fire (and a few cooked marshmallows too) by adding a firepit to the landscape of your yard. There are plenty of affordable and portable firepits on the market, but if you’re ready to build your own into your landscaping design, check out the idea here for building your very own stacked stone fire pit.
Consider a Sunroom — Unfortunately the outdoor season in Minnesota does come to an end (not for awhile we hope!). To keep your connection to nature strong, consider adding a sunroom to your home. A sunroom can be practical, beautiful, and valuable. Best of all, you’ll be bringing the outdoors inside all year long! Check out our great advice on making a sunroom part of your home here.
Need help with a deck, patio, sunroom, or building / remodeling project? Connect with us here at Excel Builders in the Minneapolis / Twin Cities area today!