For the past few weeks we have been discussing kitchen layouts, the best ways to efficiently arrange your space, and code requirements that might impact your final design. This week we are going to look at some layout requirements that you need to consider before remodeling your bathroom.
Let’s start by discussing the layout of the bathtub and toilet. A functional bathroom layout may seem obvious. However, there are numerous bathrooms that do not function well because of a poor layout. Depending on space, you may not have many options for moving tub or toilet. In situations such as these, even a few inches can make a big difference! In front of the toilet, you need to have a minimum of 24 inches. However, it is recommended that you have 30 inches. These 24 to 30 inches give you the room to utilize the toilet and the bathtub safely. To meet building code, you need a total of 24 inches to place a toilet in any particular area. From the center of the toilet to the left and to the right, you need to have a minimum distance of 15 inches. It is recommended to have 18 inches from the center of the toilet to the left and to the right. This is a total of 3 feet. The picture above shows a couple layout options that apply to your bathroom.
These same placement rules apply in a water closet. It is recommended that the inside dimensionsof a water closet be 3 feet with the toilet placed in the center of the back wall. The depth of the closet should be 6 feet. The average depth of a toilet is 24 to 30 inches. With a closet depth of 6 feet, you will have a minimum of 30 to 36 inches in front of the toilet. At a minimum, the water closet needs to be 30 inches wide by 5 feet deep. The 30 inches will give the required 15inches from the center of the toilet to each side. The 5 feet in depth will give you the minimum 24 inches in front of the toilet.

Are you ready to start thinking about your bathroom makeover? Check out our bathroom inspiration gallery to get your creative planning juices flowing. Later this week we’ll continue our conversation regarding bathroom layouts, and discuss vanity placement!