Today’s trends for bathtubs often favor freestanding models — the luxurious, dramatic and distinctive bathtub. And though they are increasing in popularity, freestanding tubs aren’t for everyone. Built-ins afford practical advantages that may outweigh the design flair of freestanding styles, depending on your taste and budget. Take a look at today’s bathtub options to see what’s best for you and your bath.
Freestanding Tubs
- Styles include claw-foot, pedestal and soaking tubs.
- Don't require wall space for installation or plumbing.
- Availability of styles is increasing as manufacturers offer more options.
- Typically intended for use in larger bathrooms, though compact-footprint soaking tubs can work in smaller bathroom settings.
- Heavier tubs may require reinforced flooring.
- Don't forget to plan for bath-side storage---you'll need somewhere to set your soap and candles as you soak!
Bathtubs are a lovely way to bring out the spa in your bathroom. Whether you choose to add drama with a luxurious freestanding tub or opt for the practicality of a traditional built-in, the options available today are an exciting mix of old and new.